Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!  We are half way to first grade...can you believe it?

Just a few reminders:
1. Report cards go home on Friday.
2. Dress warmly each day.  We will go outside daily unless it is really cold (40 degrees or less) or wet/rainy.
3. Remember to empty and return you child's red folder each day.  This is an important method of communication.
4. Our journals (poetry, math, and word) will resume next week.  Our new poem will go home Friday and needs to be recited by Thursday.  Word journals go home on Monday and are to be returned Wednesday.  Math journals go home on Tuesday and must be returned on Thursday.
5. Letter of the Week Show and Tell is on Fridays.  Your child can bring an item from home to share with the class on Friday.  Next week is letter Hh.
6. Your child may bring a water bottle from home to keep at his or her desk to drink from throughout the day.
7. If you want to allow your child to have ice cream on Fridays, you must put the money in his or her account or send the $.50 in on Friday.
8. Please check your monthly calendar (and keep it in your child's folder) for snack updates and other communication.  We only have one week in January that someone has signed-up to provide snack for our class.  I ask that you either send snack in individual bags/servings or divide the snack into individual zip-lock bags. This saves us lots of time!
9. If your child has a change of transportation, you MUST send this to us in writing!  I can't just let one of my "babies" jump on a different bus or change their method of transportation in the afternoons!  Even if it is just for a day or two, I MUST have this change in writing.
10. Please make sure that we have updated emergency information on file.  If we encounter inclement weather, a medical emergency, or other need concerning your child, WE MUST HAVE CONTACT INFORMATION.  This is for your child's safety!!

We are so excited to have a student teacher from Lee University in our class!  Her name is Yolanda Edwards and she will be with us until the middle of February.  I'm sure that your children will keep you informed about her activities with our class!

Thank you all for sharing your sweet children with me!
Mrs. Parker, Ms. TaJuan and Mrs. Edwards

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